Categories: EntertainmentLife

Hulk Came To ALIVE! 10 Photos Of The Real Life Hulk, Sajad Gharibi

We have all dreamed of having superhuman powers like the ability to fly, control minds, or run really fast.


Unfortunately the only people that actually have these types of powers are superheroes like:

  • Captain America
  • Iron Man
  • The Incredible Hulk

After watching films like ‘The Avengers’, you can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a power like the Hulk. This guy is basically a big green dude that has superhuman strength the angrier he gets. He’s a pretty cool guy as long as you don’t get him angry. You won’t like him when he’s angry.


As cool as his power may sound, the Hulk is not real. However many people do like to dress up as the character on Halloween. Who wouldn’t want to look like a bulky green guy with anger issues?!

The closest thing we have ever had to a real life superhero was when Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson dressed up as the character for Halloween in 2012.


His Hulk costume was spot on. He had the ripped body, green skin, and iconic angry expression. He even threw on a wig to finish off the look!

Since then, we haven’t really seen anyone that has come close to the real deal. That is, until now…


Meet Sajad Gharibi. Gharabli is a 24-year-old weightlifter and has been called the Iranian Hulk due to his massive physique. When you see what he looks like, you’ll understand why.


According to his Instagram account, @sajadgharibii, he weighs 155 kg (341 pounds). He currently has over 73,000 followers that are all obsessed with his photos. 


Most of his photos are shirtless photos of himself and random pictures of his everyday life. He can lift up to 175 kilograms and he takes part in bodybuilding competitions. 


This full body shot gives his viewers an idea of what his entire body looks like. As you can see his biceps. quads, pecs, are all HUGE! 


One of his followers even created an edit of Gharabi in green. People are now calling him the ‘Persian Hercules’ and the ‘Iranian Hulk.’ Do you see the resemblance?






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