Categories: LifeParenting

Parents Are Sharing The Most Expensive Things Their Children Ruined… You Can’t Imagine What Are These…

It’s no secret that having kids costs money, but sometimes the little rascals manage to clean us out faster than a mugger at a bank machine – and bereave us of the possessions we hold almost as dear as them.


You might be a parent who remembers the gut-wrenching moment your kid flushed your diamond engagement ring down the toilet. You might have been the troublemaking child who was just playing around and somehow managed to burn the entire house down. At the end of the day, kids are just helplessly curious, and even when it causes thousand-dollar accidents, it’s hard to stay mad at them for it.

The parents of Reddit were recently asked about the most expensive thing their kids have ever broken, and the responses they gave are pure gold. Scroll down to read them all, and if you have a similar story of your own, add it to our list at the end!



When I was a kid, my mother lost her diamond wedding ring. She was devastated. A decade later, while cleaning things up for a garage sale, we found it jammed in the toilet of my Barbie house.


I once bought a kids jewelry box for my niece at a garage sale. While wrapping it I noticed a hidden drawer in the back. A diamond necklace and a gold ring. I took them back to the sale and the woman was so freaking grateful. Apparently they “lost” them years ago.



I used to do computer repair out of my home.point 37 | I had a friend who was paying me $150 to repair a gaming desktop that, at the time, was worth about $2300.point 122 | I had to replace the hard drive, then reinstall Windows, then all the drivers, and it took an entire day to get everything working from a backup.point 241 |


It was set aside for pickup later in the week.point 37 |
I had a day job at the time that was 3pm to midnight, and my wife worked 9-5, so we had a part time sitter that summer who took care of our 4 year old son from 2-6pm on weekdays.point 176 | She was not the brightest woman, but we could afford her rates, and we weren’t doing well off financially.point 270 |


My wife called me one night and told me to sit down, because she had some bad news.point 66 | We had a lot of sick relatives, and been through some deaths recently, so I thought, “who died now?” She told me that the kitchen table was strewn with computer parts.point 215 |


Our son had taken the computer apart with the power screwdriver and some pliers.point 67 | Like, completely.point 83 | Down to the chips, resistors, and capacitors.point 122 | If it had a screw, he unscrewed it, and if he didn’t, he pulled it off the board with pliers.point 202 |


He then sorted everything by color and size.point 37 |
I nearly lost my s***.point 55 | I was both angry as f*** that he did this, and -terrified- telling my friend that his $2300 gaming rig was ruined.point 148 | I nearly had a nervous breakdown.point 176 | My wife and I tried to plan where we were gonna get $2300.point 222 |


We didn’t have $2300 in assets in the entire apartment.point 52 | We couldn’t sell our POS car, because we needed it for work, and maybe, MAYBE would get $1200 for it if we were lucky.point 153 |
My son couldn’t have done this in a small span of time.point 203 |


He had to have done it in the 4 hours he was with the babysitter.point 51 | Was he alone for these 4 hours? What the everliving f***???
My wife asked her, and the babysitter said, “he wanted to work on the computer like daddy did.point 183 | He said he was allowed to.point 204 |


She was fired.point 161 | She wasn’t paid that week, either, because we needed money to pay my friend for a new gaming rig.point 246 |


My wife and I broke the piggy bank, and decided we could pay him back if we went without some medicines, didn’t pay a few utilities, were late with rent, ate ramen, etc… we could pay my friend off in three months with a payment plan.point 200 |
I remember calling my friend so nervous I was shaking.point 245 |


Then, thankfully, he didn’t think it was a big deal.point 49 | He said he was thinking of getting a new computer anyway.point 96 | I didn’t have to pay him anything.point 130 | I was so relieved.point 145 |
But that babysitter… damn… what a moron.point 191 | “He said he was allow to!”point 224 | 1



My vagina.


My son never slept for longer than 3-4 hours a night until he was 5, so I was exhausted for years.point 91 | One day when he was 2, I was sitting on the floor, zoned out a bit, while he was playing with my hair.point 171 | I pretty much kept in a bun 24-7 back then because my hair was down to my waist and very thick and it just took too long to style.point 273 |


He was having a great time singing and playing with my hair but he eventually got fussy, so I took him to the park down the road.point 103 | At the busy park, I kept noticing that people were staring at me and several of them looked concerned while others looked amused.point 210 |


I was so tired that I shrugged it off and took him on a quick errand to Walmart.point 63 | Again, people kept staring at me! It really started to creep me out, so I took my son home.point 136 | Later that afternoon, my hair was slipping out of the bun it had been in all day, so I reached up to tuck it back in and I found six assorted pairs of Mr.point 257 |


Potato Head eyes stuck into my hair!! I walked around in public for hours like that and had no idea!point 81 | 1


My eye.point 89 |
When she was six months old, she was sitting in my lap playing with some toy.point 151 | She suddenly got really excited and flailed her arms up.point 198 | Her fingernail dug deep into my eye.point 228 |


Three surgeries later, I still can barely see out of that eye, and it’s visibly screwed up too (not egregiously, but if you look me in the eye my pupil is clearly more oval than circle).point 157 |
And needless to say, I won’t be telling her about this until she’s an adult at the earliest, and even then only if she asks.point 269 |


point 0 | 1


The stereo in our minivan quit working. After a little troubleshooting, we found 25 pennies shoved in the CD slot.


20 years ago my friend’s young son was making puzzles and he cut up his father’s original Star Wars a New Hope 1977 poster. His father told me he had to shrug it off because his son didn’t know any better. Best punishment served cold – the son is now a young Star Wars fan and he would do anything to own that poster he himself ruined.



We had a 90g salt water tank with easily upwards of $3k worth of coral, fish… I went to work a night shift and my son unplugged everything for the night my husband didn’t notice
Everything was dead in the morning, and the house smelled lovely.



The television. Apparently, running the scissors over the screen makes it look better.

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