Categories: Life

Elephant Crashes A Family’s Pool Party In Africa



Elephant Crashes A Family’s Pool Party In Africa

Kerry Dunne and family were vacationing in Botswana when they had an unexpected visitor crash their pool while taking a swim.


The family was on the grounds of the Elephant Sand conservatory, so they had definitely hoped to see some wildlife, which are free to roam in the unfenced 16,000-hectare site.

But they were completely unprepared when the rustling in the bushes revealed a massive elephant who decided to stop by to get a drink.

(Kerry Dunne/Screenshot)

The elephant nonchalantly guzzled a big mouthful of water, and then, seemingly noticing the family for the first time—completely frozen in the water—stared a while.

(Kerry Dunne/Screenshot)
(Kerry Dunne/Screenshot)











Since animals sometimes come to drink from the conservatory’s pool water, the water is kept natural and free of chlorine.

“Best chicken fight partner ever,” Dunne later wrote, sharing the video of it to YouTube.


Then, possibly embarrassed at intruding as one commenter suggested, or simply done replenishing its thirst, the elephant trotted away as easily as it came.