Categories: AnimalsFunny

Spare Your Rod And Spoil Your Cat: Give Them Cardboard Toys!

Want to spoil your cat? There’s no better way than getting him or her a fun toy from SUCK UK!


SUCK UK creates unique gifts, accessories, and items for the home, including super fun toys for our furry friends! From planes to Cadillacs to scratch laptops to DJ decks to fire engines – they create them all and more! But what got everyone’s attention the most was their cardboard tank house, which is, unfortunately, unavailable to purchase right now.point 330 |


But luckily, there are other cool things to choose from! Keep in mind, though, you will have to assemble the parts on your own (full instruction included).point 129 | See all the kitty friendly creations below or buy them on Amazon.point 185 | 1


#1 Tank House


#2 Scratching Deck


#3 Airplane House


#4 Scratching Laptop

#5 Fire Engine House

#6 Kitty Teepee


#7 Catillac House

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